
internet fun

Hi friends! This week I am having a blast, as my parents are visiting. We've been zipping around with the kids to lessons, making my mom's christmas cards, and of course the most important way of being busy - doing lots of sitting with hot chocolate and good conversation. I'm so glad they are here.

I've been showing my mom some of my favorite links, and thought I'd post a handful:

Heather Ross's brilliantly written mouse story (seems ever so appropriate given a recent unpleasant incident at our house with a toaster. Ahem.)

My mom had never seen The Purl Bee! This project has her name written all over it.

My son could watch this every five minutes and still laugh. (OK, me too - I love Bear Grylls.)

How easy it is to download free fonts onto your computer

Is anyone else addicted to this Sunday night show? Inspector Lewis is our favorite. Wait, I take that back, maybe Wallander. And seriously, how can you not feel giddy listening to Alan Cumming's scottish accent?


  1. My husband used to call me an old lady when I watched masterpiece theater, but now he is right there next to me on the couch for mystery. Wallender is by far my favorite, but I'm warming up to sherlock.

  2. Oh it sounds like you are having a fabulous time! I'm so glad you are able to be together...

  3. We love Masterpiece Mystery, though I'm still a little squemish about Laura almost being buried alive by the incestuous twins in the season finale. And I'm glad to see Kenneth Branaugh again as the tortured Wallender. Haven't gotten around to watching Sherlock yet

  4. Love Masterpiece Theater, have watched it religiously since the 1970's. Love it, love it, love it. I enjoy your blog and love reading about time with your Mom. I lost mine almost 10 years ago and still miss her terribly. Make good use of every moment you have with her while you can.
