
Blue Willow

"Blue Willow" is an animated short film made by New Zealand filmaker Veialu Aila-Unsworth, based on the old chinese fairy tale of Blue Willow. See the beautiful trailer here... and please tell me if you have any idea how I can see the whole film.
Doesn't it look lovely?

I found it when researching for an art lesson about blue willow ware, which was incidentally really fun to do in fourth grade last week. Go here for the original lesson, and if you'd like a link to the slideshow used to present the story to the kids, go here.


  1. http://www.bluewillow.co.nz/Contact.htm

    Have you tried emailing them and asking them directly for a copy?
    Might be the best way. Or else they could direct you to a place where you could buy a copy if they don't sell it?

    xo MODELmumma

  2. oh my goodness, that little cartoon looks exquisite. And your blue willow art project is a brilliant idea! Thank you!

  3. Jacinta, why didn't I try doing that? Brilliant. Will do!

  4. appreciate for so interesting content!
