
Read with me...January book

Happy New Year!
I love starting out fresh. Last January I decided not to make any resolutions but vaguely proclaimed my intent to be more wholesome in my lifestyle. This was a nice idea but the only concrete thing I had to show for it at the end of 2010 was the production/consumption of lots of loaves of homemade bread. Fragrant and delicious, yes, but this year I admit I want to achieve something more dramatic and less caloric. So I decided that each month I'm going to tackle a classic book that's always intimidated me. Want to join? How exciting would it be to look back this December and have read twelve amazing, hard books?! I think that would be something to write home about.

my January book is...
(see below. look, I even summarized for you the wikipedia article about it, if you are like me and knew NOTHING about this book. You might want to click on it to make it bigger if you want to read it)

(is there a good way to discuss a book in a blog? I would love to have some kind of discussion at the end of the month, if any one else out there wants to be moral support for me and participate. Ideas? I've never seen a book group on a blog before. I must investigate but if you know how to do it, please share)


  1. That is a great idea! I will seek this one out and read along!

  2. I think I read this while on Study Abroad in St. Petersburg, Russia. I don't really remember much, other than it was really long. I'd give it another go.

  3. i'll join too! this is a book i've had forever on the shelf but never opened to read.

  4. Over the last 12 months or so, I've been working my way through all the classics I've been meaning to read but never have. Which means that while I finally finished Moby Dock (after years of abortive starts) and it's now in my top 5 books of all time, I've continued with my game of pretending War and Peace isn't even on the shelf! But it is. And this is just the motivation I need. I'm in.

  5. Great idea Lynne! This is an intimidating book- what 1000 pages? I think I shall join as well. Great resolution! Also, I love your illustration. I'd love to print that and tape it inside my book...but I still need to buy a copy.

  6. I'm pretty sure I read that book when I was a teenager but can't remember anything now! I think it even was my own copy. Must seek it out and read along too. (I HOPE! I have a lot of resolutions and goals but will give it a go!)
    xo MODELmumma

  7. I'd love to join in (and hope you find a way to have discussions on the blog)! I even have (2 copies of) War and Peace on the shelf. I'm reading 2 other books just now but I am dropping them and starting the big one right now!

  8. a little late here but i am joining you ladies. starting this weekend!

    hope i can catch up! :)
