
Home Sweet Home Tour: Jackie

I'm so excited for today's Home Sweet Home tour. Welcome to the lovely world of Jackie from Berkeley, CA, whose home is an incredible blend of found vintage and newer, fantastically chosen pieces (some built by her husband). Jackie's a California girl who grew up in LA, and went to school at UC Berkeley. She worked in the arts for 10 years as a grantwriter, then got married, had a kid (the very cute Graham) and then another (the also very cute baby Simon). After some time in New York her family is back in Berkeley, where she runs a consulting business that does fundraising & marketing for non-profit organizations ranging from the arts, to social services, to education.

Jackie's entry - loving that chair

(lamp from West Elm; table found on street, wooden shoes from flea market)

Her charming kitchen...

Master bedroom - I really like Jackie's art. She's collected great pieces from flea markets, etsy, and talented artist friends...

This is her son's room. Her husband made the bed (um, how amazing is that?), and the bird decals are from elly nelly's etsy shop.

(these prints are by Ashley Goldberg)

Jackie's home has a room with map wallpaper that's been there since 1964...

(here's the sweetest picture in the world of her son)

And her basement craft room. (As one of the millions of non-basement California homeowners I am quite jealous of this)

Below - Jackie says the men in her home do all the cooking.


  1. What a beautiful home. Thanks for sharing with us!


  2. What a lovey home. I esp. love the green front door, what an amazing and surprising color! Thanks for sharing!

    My husband and I are wanting to get some art things happening in our neck of the woods and would love to get some advice, can we contact her?

  3. Hi Lisa! just realized I forgot to link back to Jackie's blog, so I did that - you can reach her through that. Good luck!

  4. I just want to moove now...

  5. a very lovely house !

  6. i love that map wallpaper...incredible...and the green front door. what a pretty house!

    great tour Lynne.

  7. It's always such a pleasure to peek into other people's homes...especially when they are as pretty and charming as this.

  8. hi lisa - feel free to contact me if you want some advice about funding for the arts.

    thanks everyone for all the lovely comments about our house.

  9. Awesome! I can't get over that front door. Oh that green....perfection

  10. Hmmm. Inciting jealously (mine). Not very helpful! You mustn't feature beautiful houses like this too often or I'll have to stop reading! : )

  11. Gorgeous!! Love those exterior colors and the overall look of the living space. Well done! You've inspired me for the day...

  12. Oh, such a lovely tour of a beautiful home!

  13. i love LOVE that map wallpaper!!! What a lucky duck to already have that there!

    And how sweet is that bed made by her husband. Stylish and modern...

    I love it!! Thanks for sharing!!!

  14. Thanks so much for sharing this!! Lovely!!


  15. i would love to know what the paint color is in the kitchen??

  16. It's all beautiful but the exterior had me at "hello".

  17. I am salivating over the gray exterior, green door, great foyer, wonderful colors, and cozy home. How lovely!

  18. I love her home... the best thing about it is that it looks comfortable and inviting. I smiled when I heard her son's name! I wanted to name my son Graham! But it was Craig's turn to pick a name instead!

  19. LOVE, love, love these home tours. Keep up the great blogging. What a charming home!

  20. Would it possible to list the paint colors that were used on the house? I would love to have them to put in my "house ideas" folder...for my dream house someday! Pretty please!

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  22. Quite worthwhile information, thanks so much for the post.

  23. Well this is a great place! You have a good taste for houses and their designs.
