
lovely flaws

The beauty of the homemade to me is that it is not perfect: the stitches might not always be roboticly stitched, the buttons, not completely evenly spaced, the buttonholes, perhaps a bit skiwampus. But it is stitched with love and those stitches tell a story. Time and thought and effort make the homemade important to us. The more time, thought and effort put into a project, the more we value it. The more story it tells to us. The less likely we are to easily discard the item. In the case of this shirt, I sewed it during the Christmas break. I made it up as I went along, completely pattern-free and unscripted. After sewing the first sleeves, I realized they were too short. So I added a band of dotted fabric then another band of red. And voila the perfect length. Somehow the time I spent thinking about this shirt and stitching it together endeared me to it. It's not likely to end up in the Salvation Army pile, and if a button falls off, it will definitely get sewn back on, not thrown out for lack of time. I think the more we sacrifice for something or someone, the more we love them. Enjoy all the lovely flaws of those dear to you...


  1. melissa, that is such a pretty shirt! just perfect. and i totally agree - the more imperfect something is the more loveable. :) (right, steve?)

    happy valentines day!

  2. Oh! Beautiful. I love it (and my funny, perfectly imperfect valentines) :)

  3. What a great idea to lengthen the sleeve. The shirt's adorable. (I ALWAYS love red and white.)

    I *have* sent things I have sewn to a thrift store before when they just didn't turn out how I'd intended -- with the hopes that they'd find their way to someone who'd really enjoy them.

  4. I'd like one of those shirts in my size!

  5. love this post melissa
    very sweet shirt too

  6. beautifully said melissa!


    PS: Ladies, I received the wanderings coat pattern and I had a fit over the packaging (the wolfie valentine & sticker) and the sewn edges of the instruction booklet...it made my weekend!

  7. so charming! and the sleeves turned out perfectly sweet.

  8. my thoughts exactly. i think this explains my entire addiction to sewing...and all things handmade. beautiful shirt!

  9. What a sweet shirt and a sweet post. My favorite this month.

  10. I love that shirt. Love the spotty fabric.

  11. The shirt completely, utterly rocks. I love everything about it!

  12. Beautiful little sweetheart !!! Imperfections makes handmade beautiful !!! Lovable shirt ! Mignon ! Mignon ! Mignon !
    Happy Valentines Day Melissa !!! xo

  13. So very true, Melissa.

    I have a container of all the clothes I've made for my yougest children that I can't bear to part with. And the handmade ones definitely get a button sewn on faster than any other garments.

    Love the shirt.

  14. It's just beautiful - you have an amazing eye for the whole... and the detail! Gorgeous! And you're right about the charms of sewing. I love the things I make for my girls - they're not always as perfect as I would want them to be but they're certainly unique! :)

  15. That shirt is precious. What a lucky little girl you have.

  16. I love the shirt. The trimmings are adorable. What a great description of homemade. I fear though that my version would not be as beautiful or reflect such a loving story.

    Thanks for the inspiration though!!


  17. beautiful. and that shirt...perfection ;-)

  18. This is so pretty....but I don't have little girls anymore.
    I would LOVE to see something for BOYS to!

  19. Wabi-sabi is the sign of the handmade, I say. Love it.

  20. Amen Melissa! I wish everything in life had the value of this shirt! And it's a fantastic shirt!! I LOVE the red! And the design. You are utterly fantastic.
