
the house of franglais

Dear Lynne:

I've been thinking long and hard about your question of how you can be more French. I've recently returned from a wedding anniversary trip to Paris. (Do you like this lovely flat we rented?) It's true that French women have a certain je ne sais quoi that we American women seem to often lack.

Here are some of my observations that might help:

1. pink toilet paper: I've never seen this in America, and it's everywhere in France.
2. scarves: the French actually have two words to describe this; one is "un foulard" which is more of a dressy light, silky sort of scarf; the other is "une écharpe" which is the woolen variety worn in winter. I think a good collection of both types of scarves is a good start.
3. lettuce: French women are really always eating salad and drinking lots of water, sparkling or flat.
4. speedos: I think you should buy one for your man if you want to be really French. In fact, at many public pools, voluminous swimming trunks are not allowed. Tight fitting swimming attire for men is a must.
5. women often wear skirts or dresses, with lovely shoes, no running shoes or sweat pants. Do you like my 1960's thrift-store find?


Jess said...

Good tips!

Unknown said...

Melissa, you look adorable! i love your find, and I love your tips. I am going to dye all of my toilet paper today! :)

I hope you guys had such a great time and ate lots of delicious food!!!

joy said...

please, tell me more! How does life compare to living in the states? I want to know all about French living! I'm not sure if I've created a fairytale in my mind. I WILL go there one day, and who knows if I will come back to the states... :)

Becca said...

I concur about the scarves. I love France so much, but after visiting Amsterdam last Spring, I aspire to look like Dutch women. They are as chic as French women with more of an funky design edge. And they all wear scarves. I scored some silk AND wool scarves last week at our goodwill (that were from Paris!) for 5 cents a piece! I also threw in a fur scarf I found in the bin (50 cents! so amazing!) after seeing so many fur scarves on the sartorialist lately!

CMN said...

Dear Melissa,
Pardon my eavesdropping, but I couldn't help but notice the lovely apartment you stayed at... is it per chance a rental, and would you per chance be willing to share the details (or name the leasing service)?

Many thanks,

Anonymous said...

I don't think I could get my husband to change swimsuits!

Bethany said...

I am loving your posts of late! These are things that only an American living in France could ever divulge. Happy Easter (late) to both of you!!

sew nancy said...

I forgot about the pink toilet paper.
I do love to wear skirts and dresses and scarves but, I can not imagine converting my husband to a more Euro bathing suit.
Nice to see you got away to celebrate.

melissa said...

Becca: you are one lucky lady to find so many amazing scarves for so cheap!

nataliedd said...

Very cute dress and entire outfit!! I especially like your shoes - would you be willing to share where they are from?

melissa said...

Yes, shoes are from Clarks brand, purchased in Paris.

YveeB said...

There are many great things about France. But one of the worst things about the country is that terrible pink toilet paper! Always an item we take with us on a French holiday (about twice a year)!! But you are right it is a central part of the French experience

Audrey and the Boys said...

I love this new format at peeking into your correspondence! What fun on the myserious internet. Thanks for the lessons in being french! It only makes me miss you more!

muebles toledo said...

Here, I do not actually imagine it will have effect.

4rx said...

how someone could be more French?? what do you mean?? I am French and I do not know what you are talking about, I am French and I cannot be more French

Mae said...

For my part every person must go through this.