The knitting continues... specifically, the quest to finish the perfect present for baby Margot, who hopefully slept really well last night?
The thing I love about knitting is how portable it is. Knit while the kids are playing in a friend's driveway; knit while you're riding in the car talking to the handsome man driving; unwind the huge knotted mass of string you accidentally made while having a meeting. Who knew this was such a great hobby? It's just what I need these days.
I just completed knitting the purl beret. The project made me fall in love with knitting!
It is addictive. I'm glad to hear you are enjoying it.
i'm sure whatever you make will be fantastic. i don't think you are capable of anything less!
My new thing is to tell myself, if I wake up early, I can knit before I have to go to work.
And the great thing about knitting is that as you get better at it, you don't even need to look at it, and you can continue your conversations, looking the other person in the eye still.
sure, it's great to knit everywhere... "ouvrage nomade" i call this in french !
Yeah! I can't wait to be the benefactor of your nimble fingers! Yes the baby slept well last night, without too much rocking required!
P.S. What a gorgeous photograph!
Thank you for sharing, I love knitting! It forces me to sit, and amidst the sitting and repetitive motions I can contemplate! It is a beautiful thing.
oh, i can't wait to get to the not having to look stage. i still have to watch very carefully and i'm SLOW.
I am in love with portable projects too! They make waiting for kids so much better. Knitting and embroidery are top of my list!
I used to crochet during my 40-minute walk to work. I think it actually took about 50 minutes when I did that though.
Lovely color ! I love knitting too and maybe because it is so portable... Have a good day :)
In Paris, the Eiffel Tower felt down... Yes today at five O'Clock precisely (just for tea time), our Eiffel Tower felt down !!!! Experts said that it was too old and as they were about to repaint the Tower for a for the cost of 4 millions of euros. They were supposed to use a special secret color “the Eiffel Tower's Brown” (the same color since 1968) They were supposed to need 25 painters for a surface area of 250.000 m2 (9 842,5197 inch2)...
The good news is that we will make a very big economy with the painting :)
Have a look at the tower for the last time :
Knitting is so much more portable than a heavy sewing machine, and a whole different way to create. It's great to many creative "vices". I never understand folks who say they are bored. What is that, "bored"?
Hi, I´m from Germany and just startet my own little buisness. I have a little son, but I love your clothes for girls. I hope it will be ok, that I put a link of your blog on my own one! Many greetings from Kerstin of domestic candy
I love the flowers in the pictures. I remember the summer mom taught us how to knit. I loved it because we were not allowed to watch tv but if we were 'practicing' knitting mom made an exception.
Ah yes, tv watching knitting or crocheting. I don't watch tv at night, I knit. The television just happens to be on at the same time. I also knit if we go to the movies.
Many congratulations to Melissa on the arrival of Margot. I'm sure the final knitted product will be well loved and beautiful.
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