This is our dog, Calvin. He is a deep well of goodness, this creature.
When we got Calvin three years ago I did not realize how much work was involved in training a large-ish puppy. There were many times we almost fell off the having-dog-and-tiny-kids fan wagon. But now, despite the bouts of uncontrolled barking, or his tendency to knock toddlers down with his tail, or the black fur he sheds all over - despite all of this, I love this dog. He loves me even when I yell at my kids; even when we're really late remembering to feed him. At night he sits down right next to my leg and licks my toes. He lets the kids dress him up in their ballet clothes and use him as a lounge chair. He is incredibly constant.
But people are so good, too. I was thinking about this yesterday, remembering a plane ride from Connecticut to California a few years back when I was flying sans husband with a 3 month old and a wild 3 year old. It was time to board, and I was struggling with the impossible task of wrangling my huge backpack, a bulky car seat, and the kids onto the plane. A couple in front of me - busy with their own young family - made silent eye contact with one another and before I knew it the father turned around and grabbed my car seat from me. Not only did he carry it for me, he strapped it in the seat. And when the plane landed they found me and helped me off the plane. I don't even know if I said thank you, I was so teary.
Melissa has a story, too. One day she, shortly after the birth of her third and overwhelmed with all those tasks that just pile up, answered a knock on her door to find her friend Marcia, her own little baby strapped to a backpack on her shoulders. Marcia informed Melissa that she was there to do yard work and wasn't leaving until she'd finished.
I don't think we could happily make it through this life without the GOODNESS of others. Thank GOODNESS for family, friends, dogs and strangers that lift our spirits along the way!
Nice sketch by the way. :)
I think that's why people are so attracted to dogs, because they are so good and so constant. I have felt the goodness of people around me so much lately. The goodness of a new born baby; the goodness of our goldfish. It sounds strange, but that goldfish seems so trusting and constant to me to, in his own fish way; the goodness of family and neighbors.
Yes and that is a wonderful sketch!
Beautiful sketch, heartwarming story.
goldfish are totally good!!
Goodness and blessings are right under our noses, if we just look for and notice them...and it reminds me of how easy it is to "pay it forward" and do sweet things for others....love your sketch of your pooch.
Calvin is a big big ball of delicious puppy licking goodness!!! He can camp with us anytime!!!
This entry makes me want to cry. I have traveled by myself a lot with three kids and I have realized you have to focus on these experiences (not the bad ones). I have decided I love flying to UT - a few months ago we were getting on a red eye with 3 kids and this nice old lady with missionary tags in front of us said in she was lucky to be sitting in front of such a sweet family before our flight.
And I love Calvin. Elizabeth still talks about getting a dog like Calvin. He is so kind and protective.
Oh... thank you for this post! Calvin is such a critical part of your family and I love him! Thanks for the comments about goldfish, I will try to remember that in my fishy journey! :)
♥ Jen
Thanks so much for sharing this!!! It is good to hear stories like this one. I love the sketch... it reminds me of one I did of our dog. But let me tell you, after 12 hours of craziness yesterday, coming home to dog messes all over the whole house's carpet (not the wood or linoleum floors of course) was not a joy. That's when I wonder why I have a dog!!!! But I love her. She makes me feel safe and that's important. I think good people attract good people. I know it.
When your child is chucking a tantrum in the middle of the supermarket, you know that the ones who look at you and smile in empathy are also parents themselves. The people who bleat about the badly behaved child in Aisle 3 have no children.
Thank God for other parents.
thanks for this post, that came right on time...
(I'm at the get-off-the-wagon stage, hoping for better times).
I love your blog, it's so very inspiring, both the sewing part and the life part.
LOVE that drawing -- and the thoughts on goodness, it's really all around us if we look for it.
I'm so glad you posted about this. It gives me HOPE! My relationship with our family dog is still a love/hate relationship, after a year and a half. Love him usually, hate him when he thinks my house is a bathroom...
I get the feeling that there is a lot of people that just had lost hope of finding 'goodness' in the world. These are great stories to remaind us of the kindness. I have a cat who caresses my face every night with her gentle paw...and a bunch of stories more that i just remebered thanks to your post.
Love your drawing. So much more beautiful and 'alive' than a photo would have been! Yes, there is goodness all around us. Something we sometimes forget, but which shouldn't surprise us. Especially when we consider that each of us here on earth has a divine spark within us. Thanks for helping me to remember and recognise the goodness around me!
This is such a beautiful post.And people ARE good.And when you find them, or they find you, its a momment of magic.I have had the delight of having such people come to my rescue when flying with my young children and they also found me as we left the plane at the other end.I honestly don't know how I could have physically done it without them.And I love how you love your dog.And how he loves right back.Wow-I must be having one of those day....x
Beautiful drawing ! I love the way you draw !!!
really beautiful - both your lovely sketch and that great story. xo
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