... we're putting away our flannels and hankering for florals.

Sewing nightwear is a good place for me to indulge my old-fashioned tendencies towards long and cotton. As I'm typing, I realize that this is probably the inevitable fruit of being raised by a mother who took great care in her evening toilette, every night retiring in crisp Victorian-esque cotton gowns.
One summer night - I was probably only seven - our neighbor's three horses escaped into our backyard. I woke up and peered out my window and watched my mom, her nightgown flying around her in the moonlight, herd the horses single-handedly down the slope and back through the meadow fence. And then I apparently just went back to sleep because those vague images are all I remember. Go figure. But it does make me think, maybe I need to start wearing nightgowns myself. Would it help to unlock my inner super-woman?
What a beautiful post! My daughter loves wearing night gowns. I should take advantage of that and make something for her.
Beautiful, beautiful nightgown and beautiful, beautiful story about the horses too! I am curious, is that an original pattern?
Stephanie - I wouldn't even call it a pattern. It's just a simple modification of a pillowcase dress (but I used yardage rather than a pillowcase). I'll put a diagram of how I did it in my next post. Really quick and easy, requiring NO measuring (my favorite way to sew).
SEW CUTE!!! Is that the fabric we just bought? Dang your fast. Great sory about your mom. I always remembered my mom having a red bathrobe...I now have one too.
What a fun memory...and what wonderful pictures!
Lynne: you are so hilarious! I can't stop laughing at this one! I can totally picture your mom outside in her long proper nightgown herding the horses. I wonder what kind of memories my kids will have of me, as I sleep in my underwear! I sure hope I don't get any horses wandering in my yard; that would be quite a scene!
P.S I love the summer gown too. It's perfect without sleeves for those warm summer nights.
oh! that's gorgeous
and i absolutely love this memory of your mom
I love the sweet story about your mom. I'm with Melissa...so maybe I should sew MYSELF some nightwear so I have something cute for my kids to remember me wearing to bed! What great floral fabric, beautiful pattern, and cute daughter in the photos! I'm in the middle of sewing madness, trying to finish 3 little linen village frocks for my 3 little Easter darlings...back to midnight work! Thanks for your blog and being inspiring to me...and for my great patterns designed by YOU!
I'm Lynne's mom and the story is quite accurate. But alas I have become a woman of the twenty-first century - I now wear P.J.'s.
What a cool story and a neat image.
my grandmother, now passed away, was an amazing seamstress. I have this magical memory of a hot summer night, being with her in her garden watering the flowers wearing matching nighgowns she'd just sewn for us... long white cotton nightdresses with small flowers on it...
I miss her.
I made Easter dresses for both my girls and was so pleased with how they turned out, I had to share.
ooooh, I like this! I usually fall asleep in whatever I was wearing to hang around the house in the evening hours (read: t-shirt or tank top and stretchy pants). How unromantic of me! I am defintely going to look into a comfortable cotton gown pattern! I love the story of your mom with the horses-- sounds like a beautiful image.
what a great memory of your mom. love that.
And love that night gown!
Perfect! I'm a underwear sleeper as well. For years I have looked for a beautiful white, long nightgown. It is on my list for this summer. I also have memories of my mother in her nightgowns. (not much choice with 9 children under your wing) There is something magical about it.
That story about your mom seems like a scene out of a Jane Austen PBS movie! Love it!
Your mom is so awesome. Now that I am grown up, I can finally appreciate and admire her in her fullness, rather than just seeing her as a mom, like all my friends' moms.
Although my mom is a diehard night gown wearer I just can't stand them. I wish I could--so instead I go for nice cotton capri bottoms.
Love this post and your story!!
what are you talking about?!! you are already superwoman!
i think that memory of your mother is so beautiful. my nighttime outfits are as stunning or memorable. wearing daddy's t-shirts and shorts are just not that cute!
You are already a super woman!! i do think it is really sophisticated to wear nightgowns (or any kind of pajamas), probably because my mom always did, too. and i still sleep in my underwear. Nightgowns do look pretty, but i don't like how they bunch up around my waist in bed. Maybe that is a technique i need to learn first: how to sleep in a nightgown.
okay, I'm de-lurking for one little moment - I really appreciate every single thing you wrote (& photographed) here.
I'm seeing a painting.... and yes... I want florals right now too!!!
love nightt gowns. I wear all my grandmothers old slips. so cozy and just cool. so...i heart your wallpaper(i have a panel of that in my room). i am impressed you can sew a nightgown. I am such a beginner sewer!! sounds hard to do?
Yes it would! Nightgowns rule at my house. I always wear them myself. Only two of my five daughters are converts at this point, but this post gives me hope for the future. I have never rescued horses in my nightgown, but have done heroic child raising whilst wearing nightgowns and am hopeful this may influence my girls as they age!
I think it would be a good practice to train little ones to wear c-in2 underwear even when they're still young. That way, they'll get used to having one.
just reading some back posts from your blog...getting sewing inspiration ~
I'm gathering ideas for my 9-year old's night wardrobe...I'm on a mission to sew wonderful summer nightgowns, soft, cotton perhaps barely there linen....
love your writing...
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