On top is my very first girdle, sent to me by my mom, to keep my c-sectioned entrails in. The French call it une gaine as if wearing such a contraption is supposed to be an asset, something to be proud of and make you smile. I think gaine refers to "weight gain" more than anything else. It's supposed to help squeeze in all that pregnancy fat and make it disappear under my clothes. The sad thing is, my gaine doesn't even fit me yet; it's too tight!
The next drawing is of my very first, preteen soutien-gorge euphemistically named by the very subtle French, "a throat support." Maybe for French women, who seem to be better endowed, these appendages will extend up towards the throat and need extra support. But for my twelve year old body, which wore this mini "throat support" there was nothing to be supported, and nothing nearing the throat, anyways. I saved this first mini-bra and now my five-year old has discovered it. She dons it every afternoon when she returns from preschool. She loves to wear it with her favorite skirt and sing and dance around the house. I think it makes her feel beautiful like Arial, wearing what the five-year old calls "a zucchini" or "bikini." No bikinis for me, and certainly no mini-bras. As my body has waxed as of late, I'm now in need of some major throat support. Can anyone recommend where to find a good nursing soutien-gorge, preferably without those cumbersome under wires?
I am VERY well endowed and have always had great success with the FanceeFree 94305. It's the brand the local breastfeeding shop sells too. I believe they also sell Bravado and Medela bras but I don't have personal experience with those. I don't even know why they make ones with underwires as they contribute to breast infections.
I feel your pain about the girdle. After my c-section they actually attached these sticky straps to either side of the incision and then they laced up. I had a vertical incision though. They were fabulous because I felt like I had some assurance that my guts would not pop out ;)
I love this post, Melissa. Sadly, I'm STILL in the category of your very first soutien-gorge, so I'm not going to be very helpful. Best wishes!
I had a Bravado bra for nursing my younger and I really liked it.
Really comfy and no underwires.
Bravado for sure! they are so comfortable, it's all I wear, and they hold up super well.
I saw a tutorial a few weeks ago for turning your favorite bras into nursing bras... maybe you could try that?
i loved the bravado bras. i had several of them and it was all i used. this will provide with plenty of throat support....lol! without the wires. and expressiva has some nice nursing tops.
I had no idea people here wore girdles. It is a must in Japan, and yes, my mom sent me one. I hated it, but loved what it did for me.
My seven year old daughter longs to wear a bra. She already has a few picked out in her mind. I don't understand why. I prolonged my bra debut until my mom said I can't go to school with chocolate kisses in my shirt.
i was going to suggest babystyle.com for the nursing bra, but they closed, didn't they? So sad. My friends like Elle Macpherson bras. They say the quality is there.
Oh Melissa....
I love this post.
I sadly wear what is called a Glamour Mom tanktop almost everyday. It is very comfortable and great for nursing although I would not say the *support* is outstanding.
As for the middle I've heard Spanx is a good brand but I don't have any experience.
nathalie82 that was me.
I have to tell you that the nursing tank tops at Target are awesome. Especially during those first few weeks. They are well worth the 15 dollars.
My very favorite nursing bra is by Medela. You can see it here: http://tinyurl.com/ck6qtc very, comfy. I also had a Liz Lange from Target that worked well. For me the key, in addition to comfort, was an easy closure for the front flaps.
Bravado Supreme! I'm still wearing them and I stopped nursing a while ago. I have to say I almost cried when I bought my first one -- the cover photo is not flattering -- but it actually looks much better on me than any other bra I've tried lately. Good luck!
It makes me smile to know there's another child out there confusing zucchini/bikini along with my daughter. And when I had my second child, my older daughter raided my lingerie drawer so that she could be properly attired with a nursing bra to feed her dolly. Can't offer you nursing bra suggestions, since I wanted an underwire nursing bra and had the hardest time finding one. (Je suis la soeur de Zina, by the way. I ran into you in France outside the Louvre once.)
my favorite nursing bra was by japanese weekend. no wire support, crossover design, so you can just pull down either side and nurse without having to fuss with straps. i was always so awkward with those straps. and they are made with the softest fabric EVER.
i love the drawings you post here!
Alas, I too am like the bottom drawing! In fact that might even be loose on me.
I love that H calls them zucchinis. Hilarious!!
I LOVE this one, it's great for at night. Sometimes Walmart has them for $10.
Whoops, it cut part of it off..anyway it's called their Molded Crossover Nursing Bra.
I'm also a fan of Medela brand. I look for the square snaps that hook from the top and then snap down in place because I can hook and unhook with one hand - a very important feature for chasing children, nursing baby, and feeding the dog (all at once)! After 3 children, I have to wear a control top stretchy garment over my middle every day...sigh. Your drawing are so wonderful, by the way!
The perfect nursing bra might as well be the holy grail, so dificult to find. I like the Anita soft cup seamless nursing bra, but everyone;s body is different. I have a drawer full of others that make me crabby when I wear them.
i have an expensive bravado and a cheapy from target and surprisingly prefer the target one. it's underwire free and fab. good luck, mama!
Mimi Maternity is my favorite..uhm...only brand that I've used. Very comfortable!
I can't have any more children - I got my maternity bras for my first baby, and it was very hard to find one that fit well, and then they discontinued the style. My bras managed to hold out (just) through the second baby. No more kids for me!
Thanks for all your advice. Marie's comment cracks me up! Your mom called the sprouting "gorge" chocolate chips. My sister always teased me as a kid and called mine "mosquito bites"!
I was also very interested to know that girdles are commonly worn in Japan. That's why they're all so darn skinny!
Such a great post!
I was a Bravado fan until I found Melinda G and I haven't looked back.
I have had great luck with the Medela brand...my girls have NEVER been perky, so I've always done the underwire route, but even as a nursing bra, the underwire doesn't bother me at all. Best of all, the clasp is easy to do with one hand~essential when the other hand is holding that hungry baby!
I tried the Anita and it was too hard to clasp one handed, the Bravado just was droopy beyond anything (I have a small chest to girl size ratio) and with first baby I found some great bras by Wacoal. Expensive, but they held up very well. I found those at Nordstrom's.
Happy new baby love to you!
I loved these two from Motherwear:
I really like the Spanx line. As far as a good nursing bra, there is an amazing bra shop on the upper west side by the nat history museum - it has everything and they measure you. If you are coming into the city let me know and I will get the name of it and I will watch little Margot:)
Okay, I just got back from book club and the store on the upper west side is called the 'upper breast side' and has every sort of nursing bra you can imagine. Good luck.
more expensive but really lasts
I have a comfy underwire version
Ha, ha, that name "upper breast side" cracks me up Lauren!
I love love love the bottom drawing !!! Magnifique !!! Happy Easter Melissa !!! Joyeuses Pâques !!!!! Belle journée :) Bisous :) xo
Melissa, how soon after a c-section do you need to wear a 'gaine' in order for it to make a difference??? I had never heard of this tip until this pregnancy!...perhaps a little late for moi. J'esperes que tous va tres bien chez toi.
I do not know much about girdles, but my physical therapist trained in-laws recommended wrapping a large ace bandage around my c-section incision. It helped tremendously during healing. Congrats on your beautiful baby. P.S. I rocked my first born and as much as I loved it, it was very difficult to end.
You made me laugh! After four children in three years (the youngest two are twins and I was enormous) - I don't need a corset anymore. I just fold up my stomach and tuck it into my jeans!
I love it Melissa!!! Thanks for being so honest... I love your little line drawings too!!!
IF you are still looking. I tried every nursing bra in the world, and looking back I thought the more expensive the better it would be, fit , etc... I finally found one that I could wear comfortably, and it was the least pricey of them all. It was not a nursing bra, but an exercise bra, I could just pull it to the side as needed. I bought mine at a Kohl's that had just opened up near me. I had five of them and washed them to death. Hope this helps
This is really very interesting post, i have been liking it, thanks for the post.
nursing tank
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